Dia de las madres en mexico

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Rafael Alducin, editor of the Mexico City newspaper El Excelsior, joined the fight and organized the first official celebration of Mother's Day in Mexico on May 10, 1922. Al celebrarse este 10 de mayo el Día de la Madre en México, la Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano (CEM) expresó su saludo a las mamás, y las reconoció como. In an effort to promote motherhood, the Mexican women's magazine, El Hogar, joined forces with La Asociation de las Damas Catolicas (the Association of Catholic Ladies) to oppose what they saw as a threat to traditional values. Information on contraception was becoming more accessible, and women were beginning to assert their rights in politics and the professional world. However, it took an editorial in a Mexico City newspaper, combined with a widespread media campaign and support from the Catholic Church, to bring the observance into full flower.īy the 1920s, some people in Mexico were becoming concerned that women were being diverted from what many saw as their primary role - childbearing. Así, el 12 de abril de 1924, con la Resolución Suprema N.º 677 en el Congreso Nacional, se instituyó oficialmente el Día de la Madre en Perú el segundo domingo de mayo.

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Some residents of northern Mexico, influenced by their neighbor the United States, began to observe a Mother's Day holiday in the early part of the 20th century. La idea de hacer un homenaje a las madres peruanas eligiendo un día para ellas surgió de un grupo de estudiantes de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. It took a newspaper article to make Mother's Day an official holiday in Mexico.

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